无限延伸的多线条之间相互平行,同时又巧妙连接,形成流动且具层次感的图形效果,雕浮在柜体表 面。一朵「云」柜,概念在于看似有限且具象化的物形之中,却充满着无限且抽象的线形图案,如同 人本身是有限具象的,是想象力让我们可以无限创造。想象力比知识更重要。
The infinite extensions of flowing lines are parallel to each other and skillfully connected in the bend. The lines are extended and floated from the cabinet surface. The Cloud Cabinet, its concept lies in the object that seems limited and concrete but has full potential to be infinite and abstract. Just like humans, we seem limited and individual. However, imagination allows us to create with no limitation.