万花筒的奥秘蕴藏在它利用2D平面图案创造出流动的3D立体结构,让人们看到设计的乐趣在于改变事物形态的本质 。「万花筒」装饰屏风是一种全新的分割空间方式,在整体空间设计中承担视觉化艺术效果。环形元素可以旋转,在2D平面图案与3D立体结构之间任意转换,在空间里动态地摆放。
The mystery of the kaleidoscope is to create a moving 3D structure from a 2D pattern. This allows people to see that, the fun of design lies in changing nature of things. The Kaleidoscope Decorative Screen is a brand-new way of dividing and creating space, and achieving an artistic visual effect in the interior space design. The rings are connected and can be rotated, transforming between 2D patterns and 3D structures, and activate the still space.